What's Your Vision of Spaciousness?
I invite you to sit back, relax, and savor these images of S P A C I O U S N E S S that your fellow readers sent in. What does spaciousness look like to you. 💫
At the end, find info about three upcoming “Spaciousness Sessions” you can attend virtually or in person. 😘
Want more of this 👆🏽 in your life? Or, perhaps, less of the stuff that gets in the way of having more of this? I won’t promise you a tropical vacation or a personal assistant, but I can offer you spacious creative time. For more on that, see below.
This holiday season I wish you great gobs of open outdoor space and large blocks of unscheduled play time in your calendar!
With unbounded love,
Spaciousness Sessions
What and Where: Spaciousness Sessions are a chance to step out of time and let your creativity roam. It’s like a re-set button for your nervous system. Join me in my studio for low-key art-making OR join us on Zoom and craft from home. Extra spaciousness challenge: Come unprepared! Let it be about deciding in the moment what you want to work on. 🙌🏽
Why: This season — and modern life — can quickly shift us out of spaciousness into “crampedness.” (I’ve been there and back a few times recently.) We can all use practice slowing down. When we allow time and space to create, without expectations that what we make will be amazing, or even good, or even finished, I believe we grow more soul.
Who: YOU, if you ever feel susceptible to urgency, scarcity, or the fear that you’re not creative enough. (If you never feel those things, join us and tell us your secrets. 🤓)
When: Attend one, two, or all three of these upcoming sessions. And who knows? Maybe 2022 will bring more of them.
Sunday, December 19th from 2:00 - 4:00-ish Pacific Time
Tuesday, December 21st (winter solstice!) from 5:00 - 7:00-ish pm Pacific Time
Wednesday, December 29th from 5:00 - 7:00-ish pm Pacific Time
How: Reply to this email to let me know WHEN you want to join, and HOW: in person or on Zoom. (I can host up to 5 people per session in my NE Portland studio.) I’ll confirm with you and provide more details.
How Much: From $0 to $50 per session; you choose your price. I won’t judge.
Want more info? Reply to this email and ask. 👩🏻💻🙋🏾💁🏼♂️🤷🏽♀️✨
Consider forwarding this to a friend who seeks more spaciousness in their life. 💫🙏🏽😘