All Hands Art

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My routine changed drastically this month. No more days ensconced in the solitude and strings of lights in my home studio. Instead, I’m catching the bus downtown each morning, passing through the metal detector in the lobby of the Multnomah County Courthouse, and taking the elevator to the 4th floor to hear witness testimonies in Grand Jury Room A.

I’m getting an inside view of our criminal justice system, and also a fresh look at an area of Portland I rarely visited until recently. Here are some lunch hour and after “work” sights, both grand and whimsical.

During this season of extended darkness and glittering lights, may you experience the world around you — familiar or foreign, day or night, at work or at play — with child-like curiosity and an eye for beauty. And may you share your vision with others. ✨

Always on the lookout,

P.S. When you see something unexpected or fabulous or clever, send me a photo! If I receive enough, perhaps I’ll turn them into next month’s PICTURES post.