White Space for Me, A Splash of Color for You
A peaceful, if ironic, doodle.
Letting Go: Moving Past Step One
This past weekend's craft supply-filled yard sale was a resounding success! I freed up breathing space in my studio, neighbors walked away happy with their new materials, and lots of dollars went into the "pay what it's worth to you" coffee can. Thank you to all who came out to support our venture, either in person or in spirit. We took our first big step toward funding the mural-making trip to the Dominican Republic this summer, and I'm thrilled to report that I purchased our plane tickets last night! Woo-hoo! Leaving June 14th.
My goal was to clear out one-third of the contents of my workshop, and I came pretty close. Funny thing is, even as I was pulling out great gobs of materials and supplies and tools for this yard sale, I could already feel the next one coming on. (Stay tuned!) Like I'd just scratched the surface. First layer removed, exposing the next.
It's not just "stuff" I'm purging in this Letting Go phase of the Ten-Year Cleanse, although that's always a good place to start. I'm also taking a good look at habits I need to shift, and parts of my business that, like withering limbs on a tree, need to be pruned back so the core of it can thrive. You'll hear more about those changes in upcoming posts, but right now I'm fighting to keep my spiraling brain on this first topic of stuff. ;)
Step Two of the Cleanse for a Cause: Art & Craft Sell-Off
I've been fairly prolific over the past ten years. There are paintings stacked up in corners of the dining room and the basement. Little handmade treasures in boxes on shelves. A display board of jewelry stashed behind a curtain. Will you please come take some of it off my hands??
Besides sending these things off to new, more appreciative homes and reducing my overall inventory to free up space for more making, I'm also motivated to let go of items that no longer directly relate to my goal of inspiring people to create. For example, I'm liquidating all vintage items from my shop inventory (but not those that decorate my house), and adding more quotes to color. :) And I stopped taking custom orders and commissions, with the exception of doodles. I'd rather guide you in painting that scene you want hanging over the couch, than do it all for you. I'd like to supply you with the materials and know-how to make that mosaic, and let YOU have the fun of creating!
Announcing an F.F.A. & W.C.S.* For those Near and Far
This weekend I'm opening my home for a *Fun Fine Arts & Whimsical Crafts Sale. It's Saturday and Sunday, March 5th and 6th, from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm both days. Locals, I'd love to see you! I've got LOADS of original paintings, collages, mosaics, ceramics, art prints, greeting cards, hand-dyed linens, artsy textiles, and some choice art-making supplies. Something in every price range (starting with $1) for a wide variety of tastes. Come by and find just the right gift for grandma, your bestie, or yourself.
What if you can't come, or live far away? My online Etsy shop is always open, and stocked with much of the above. You won't find original paintings there, but in the next few days I'll be posting photos of selected artworks for sale, on Instagram and my All Hands Art Facebook page. Pop over there and "follow" or "like," and have a look. (Not on Instagram? The sidebar of my website shows all of my recent Instagram posts. Scroll down and look right.) Wanna buy? Just reply to the post and we'll make the arrangements. I recently mailed orders to Russia, Israel, and South Africa, so I can handle wherever you are. I can also ship items directly to your giftee, with a lovely note about your generous spirit enclosed. Voila, done!
Here's the exact street where we're headed, in Batey Isabela, Republica Dominicana. (Painting by Pam, commissioned by Natalie, based on one of her photos)
Once again, ALL proceeds from this week's crafts and art sale will support our upcoming mural-making trip to the Dominican Republic. There's a Facebook event for public viewing here.
I'd love it if you shared this post with a friend who is looking for a creative jump-start, or a pop of color in their home.
And tune in next week for Tales of Good Habits Gone Bad. Are you working on changing or adopting any habits yourself?? Let's talk.