Episode 7: How Much is Enough? - with Elena Consear Ramos
Elena and Pam in front of the mosaic mural project they co-led with Elena’s senior high school class in Oakland. We were nine years younger then!
In today’s episode, my daughter, Elena Consear Ramos, and I discuss the slippery topic of Enoughness. For example:
Why is it so hard to feel like we’re enough when we’re underemployed, or doing meaningful but unpaid work?
What would it look like if everyone had enough to live on? How would we use the freed-up energy? What mental shifts would be necessary?
How much would be enough to live on for a year?
How much would be enough to accomplish in a lifetime?
Along the way, we do some brainstorming and imagining, as per my theme for the season. We challenge you, the listener, to think about what Enough means for you. Then watch as all the internal arguments come up! 🤪.
This is a conversation that could — and will — continue. We hope it sparks both lively discussion and thoughtful contemplation, as we all imagine our way toward a healthier, more fulfilling, and equitable future here on our planet.
Enjoy the listen and share it around!
Show Notes:
Although she’s starting work on a new website, Elena’s nascent blog is currently found here. And here is a mini-book or zine she recently wrote, and a small collection of minis that we worked on together, all available in the All Hands Art shop.
The April blog post I wrote about Enoughness, which I mention early in the episode, is here.
I highly recommend the video “The Story of Stuff.” After seeing it the first time I immediately stopped shopping in the $1 aisle at Target. It’s reshaped my understanding of who “global markets” are really for, and what my role is as an American consumer.
I also mention — and recommend — the podcast series “Seeing White.”
Last but not least, I apologize to Elena and our listeners for the times she wanted to say something and I kept steamrolling on with my next idea. 😬
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Thanks for being here,
- Pam (and Elena)